Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Past and the Future

The journey to giving my Spencer a baby sibling hasn't been easy or pleasant. In September 2011 I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. My doctor told us to wait a normal cycle to try again, and we did. I got pregnant again in December 2011, but ended up bleeding on Christmas Day night. After multiple ER trips, repetitive phone calls to my obgyn clinic and one more ultrasound/blood draw later, I had a confirmed ectopic. Just like I thought I did. I had emergency surgery (salpingectomy) January 12, 2012. I lost the pregnancy and my dominant ovary's fallopian tube. I was one day shy of 7 weeks.
                                         In the hospital after my surgery.

 Fast forward to now... It's now April 24 and I just had my first prenatal appointment. Yes, indeed. Pregnant again. God works miracles! I ovulated from both ovaries, but the egg that was fertilized was the right one... the one with no tube? How amazing is God and the human body?? How determined is my sweet miracle baby??

Currently, I am 6w3d. I had an ultrasound last week at 5w2d and we saw the gestational sac. At my appointment today there was the typical papers to fill out, 5 viles of blood drawn and my pee stolen from me. I also had another ultrasound. Baby measured a bit small, but Dr. G's ultrasound machine wasn't the bee's knees by any means, so after much consolation and research, the mismeasurements must be because the machine wasn't up to par. We did see a heartbeat though!! Baby is implanted on the left -- according to Ramzi, I'm thinking girl.

 I have no symptoms really. Super sleepy, randomly nauseous and more hungry. My boobs only hurt at night. I do have cramps, but my doctor says I am going to have more than normal because of my uterine fusion. After my csection with Spencer, my uterus healed to my abdominal wall. Fun, fun.

 As for Spencer. That kid. He's a handful. He is so busy. SO busy. He's such a joy, though I wish he would eat more than just cereal bars, ha! He's so picky! He did poop in the potty tonight, and that's always a spectacular moment! He is so funny though. He does these funny gestures and he is so dramatic and is such an actor! He does have a super jealous bone! It'll be interesting to see how he is with a new baby. He says a few things, mainly "poopoo", "baby", "car" and things like that.. I think he's going to have a problem with the R sound.

As of right now Baby Gregory is due 12.15.12, will be born via csection... And although I love my doctor -- I hate Oregon. Lol.


---- Mainly my issue right now is the severe detachment from this pregnancy. I feel too afraid to get comfortable and then have it taken from me again. I won't feel safe til I'm holding a baby in my arms. So far so good though and that's all I can be thankful at this moment. My precious baby boy (whose almost two!!!!), my wonderfully supportive husband (who would bend over backwards to make me happy.) and our sweet baby growing inside me with its perfect little heartbeat. Thank you for that. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a healthy heartbeat!
    The R sounds will come. James used W's because he would talk with the nuey in his mouth.
    I'm glad you're blogging again :D
