Thursday, August 9, 2012

"I know, Alfred Hitchcock endings are kind of cheap ways out."

Might I say, that today, my son has absolutely driven in INSANE. There are just those days, ya know? One friggin meltdown after the other. Phew. But, we (he) survived... today.

We went to the little beach near the house with a neighbor and Coast Guard wife, Danielle. She had her little boy, Declan, with her. I got sunburned, and Spencer's neck is 3x darker than the rest of his body. I, on the other hand, am going to end up looking like Ross from Friends on that spray tan episode if I keep this up. Not a tan line on my chest, nope indeed, just my back. lol.

I got a new phone... iPhone 4. I gave in, finally, after all these years of rebelling against the iPhone. It succumbs me. I really do like it. A lot. I have an Otterbox on it, which I have already severed scraped up on a rock (Shh, don't tell Garrett). So, all in all, a good buy.

So, the other day I barge into the bathroom on Garrett. How I would kill him if he barged in on me, no matter what I was doing. Painting my toenails or whathaveyou. He was shaving his face. WITH MY BABY BLUE LADIES RAZOR. Isn't that supposed to go the other way around?! I was like, "Get my Hyrdosilk with Olay OFF YOUR FACE now!!" He says, "Uhhh, but I don't have a razor." As I then pulled out a BAG of razors I have collected an accumulated over the past year. GUYS razors. Nice one! Guys aren't supposed to use their wives razors. End.of.story.

As for my bookssss.... I am reading Skeleton Crew by Stephen King, right now. I am also partly reading If I Did It. The books I ordered from Amazon should be here very soon! Finally. Along with some bright yellow sheets. Oh yeah.

1 comment:

  1. lol i love how you specified your razor at him, hahaha.
