Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Morning Sky, Books, Something Funny and Colors

9:40am Oregon Sky, June 5, 2012
Day 5: Morning Sky

Day 6: Books
A Lucky Child by Thomas Buergenthal, this is the one I am currently reading.

Day 7: Something Funny
Spencer ripping off his father's lip, ahaha. Candid photos = best.

Day 8: Favorite Color
Red, in my painting.

New things... I had my obgyn appointment today. He discussed anti depressants, and basically told me to tell my psychiatrist to call him to discuss different meds. So, yeah. That appointment is on Thursday. He did the normal annual stuff, since I am overdue for them, and also took 7 vials of blood for MY part of the infertility testing. He put in a request for my hsg or hysterosalpingogram (HSG Test). I will call them on Cycle Day 1, and they will schedule it for around Cycle Day 7 or so. So, done and done. Garrett will need his done sometime soon. Basically, we have been given the O.K. to try again, but emotionally, I need a break, and Dr. G agrees that would be a good idea.

My youngest brother, Alex, and my dad are coming to visit this month! Oh, I am so thrilled! They will be here June 24th, just in time for Spencer's birthday! I'm glad we get to do a little something for him, because we had nothing planned as we didn't have anyone to do anything with really. My step mom used her frequent flyer miles to get them here. She won't be able to come as she works offshore and will be in Vietnam then. Soon though, soon!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely adore those pictures especially the one of Spencer ripping off his dad's lip. It made me cringe in empathy! I'm glad I could help you in some small way and I am sorry I won't be there but grateful your papa and Alex will.
