Monday, May 14, 2012

"In silence the three of them looked at the sunset and thought about God."

                        Last night around sunset (730p) we went to the beach in front of our house. It was so pretty, warmish (as warm as it could be lol) and SO windy, but not as windy as usual. garrett put the baby in the water as the tide went out. I was afraid the baby would get eaten by a fish :(, or wash back up on shore, but Garrett said it disappeared, so that makes me feel better. The water was ICE cold, so Spencer and I stayed behind on the dry sand. We then let my Mother's Day balloon go, in remembrance of our tiny baby angels, and little Spencer man. Maybe the balloon will head somewhere wonderful. We watched it until it disappeared in the sky.

This picture was taken first, and all of these were taken within 5 minutes.
Pretty blue sky.
 I got a picture of the sun; it wasn't this big in the sky, I don't know why it showed up so huge in my picture. This was shortly after we let go of the balloon. It started to get very windy.

We started walking back up the beach and the wind was picking up and it was getting colder and colder. I turned back around and got this picture. It was weird how fast the sky was changing.

This was how it looked by the parking lot where our car was. In the span of 5 minutes the sky went from cloudless and blue to foggy, heavy and sad. Makes me wonder if we had Someone else sad for us too.

These flowers were everywhere, all up and down the road to the beach. I had to have a picture of these happy little yellow beach wildflowers."The God I believe in does not send us the problem; He gives us the strength to cope with it."   

The song on the way there:

"All we can do is try to rise beyond the question, "Why did this happen?" and begin to ask the question "What do I do now that it has happened?'"
- Harold Kushner When Bad Things Happen to Good People


  1. I've started working on your project and these pictures confirmed I picked the right concept :)

    If you feel like venting or talking about anything, write me anytime. <3

  2. I love these pictures, it does seem someone was mourning with you. The pictures are just beautiful, I've never seen one like the 3rd. And it was a beautiful way to say goodbye to your baby. I can't imagine how painful it's been having to go through all of this, you are one strong mama and my prayers are always with you.
