Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Ultrasound Today 7.3 weeks.

Well, it didn't go good -- or bad. Baby is still measuring a couple (4) days smaller than it "should" be, seeing as I KNOW when I ovulated. Making my edd change from 12.15.12 to 12.19.12. The tech said that my dr will probably get a rough estimate on my edd based on my first ultrasound (saying 12.16.12) to my 10 week ultrasound. The woman who did my ultrasound was an extern, or student. I feel as if she basically raped me with the weenie wand and really wasn't too professional. She didn't explain much, and I had to ask three different times the baby's measurements and heart rate.

Oh yea, we HEARD that sweet heart beat!! 115 bpm! Anyway, so far so good.... other than the cramping from being raped today, but, hey, what can ya do when the tech is a newbie and has no idea what she's doing? lol

I'm still not out of the woods, and I don't care so much for the percentage formalities, I always fall into the crappy small BAD percentage, and none of the statistics calm my nerves anymore. Anyway, that's my tiny update. No symptoms really still. Tired, sore boobs at night and I get queasy AFTER I eat, and it doesn't matter what I eat. I am hungry, but too afraid to eat lol. I also check for blood every single time I pee, which is getting old, but I can't help it. Pregnancy isn't as innocent as it once was, and I know too much medically about all that can and has gone wrong. No matter how many times people tell me to relax, that isn't going to happen. It kinda makes me mad to feel as if people are undermining my feelings, but I know its hard for most to understand unless they've lost a baby at any point also.

My next obgyn appt is May 22, please baby, be growing!!!! OH, and according to Ramzi... NOW, its a boy! Do yolk sacs just... move? Or did Dr. Groth suck at getting a picture of the yolk last week?? Who knows, lol. But, I do know, I much prefer my clueless-on-the-ultrasound-machine obgyn to those techs! At least he is personable and lets me see the screen and explains whats going on. I didn't get to see this picture until I got home!

PS: The thought of mayonnaise and vegetables grosses me out -- which is weird because I LOVE veggies (not so much mayo). Finger's crossed!

PPS: We went to Bandon, OR today to this Wildlife Refuge. I held a hideous opposum in a pouch (their whiskers are mighty scraggly up close lol), had a lion cub eat my stroller wheels, goats eat my stroller straps and sweater, a chimpanzee constantly blowing raspberries at us, and a donkey follow us around the entire place, lol. Spencer had fun.
Don't mind my LIP that I burned on a scalding potato lmao -- because only I hurt myself in really stupid ways.


  1. Hey now, some people would really be offended at your wand rape comments haha.

    Your little bean looks great!!! Can't wait for that next ultrasound, always praying for you!

    That wildlife refuge looks fun! I dunno if I'd hold the opossum eek! Lol

    1. Hahaha, okay, true true. Sorry all ye readers of mine! (You and Amanda lol). But seriously, Ouch.I still hurt. She was literally smashing my uterus and cervix lmao. It's not an endless cavern! :)


      Yeah, it was gross!!! They had a skunk too and a weird cousin of a raccoon from south america. We also pet a baby black bear!

  2. Weenie wand made me laugh! I've had to have that done when I bled in the beginning with James. Not fun! Your baby looks like a little diamond ring :)

    I love those wildlife places. We've been to the one in Hammond which was fun. You can feed the animals and all that. Your poor stroller though, lol.

    1. I didn't know you bled with James. Scary!! I've had the transvaginal ultrasound at every single appt I've had (except my post op appt in Jan), and three in the month of April! Lol usually my Dr does it though.
