Thursday, May 31, 2012

"Hey, I wish I could speak whale."

Why doesn't my blog just cooperate with me?
I want picture left, text right, fight fight fight.
So picture goes left and text goes underneath and centered?
Oh, now its above and right. I give up.
Technology, you win.. again. You aren't worth the headache you cause.
El-Spencerino making his daddy a Father's Day gift.
Nearly completed masterpiece.
Yesterday, since Garrett is at work a majority of our lives,
I decided to help Spencer make his Daddy's Father's Day gift.
These little hands can do so much damage.
I know its early, but hey, it'll be nice and dry by then.
So, there ya have it. Hopefully father dear doesn't check the blog.
In hindsight, he may, but doubtful.

Thoroughly disgusted.

This sweet baby is currently giving me hugs, and waving to himself in a mirror that is on the floor. He keeps slowly sneaking to the computer keyboard or mouse, because you know little fingers can hardly resist the temptation - ok, they can't.

Garrett will be coming home tomorrow morning, earlier than usual. I have my oral surgeon appointment at 10am to get these last two wise-ol teeth out. Oh, of course I am scared. Scared today is my last day of vision and that I will never be able to see again after I regain consciousness after my coma. See for yourself : MTV: True Life: I'm Losing My Sight.

If you see me back here tomorrow: I've survived! Well, unless, of course, I'm totally out of it. Wish me luck! :)


  1. That's why I center everything, lol. I abosultely LOVE the black and white photo.

    Good luck with teeth! I survived :) You can do it!

    1. Thank you! I was scared of flinging paint haha.
